Tuesday 24 November 2009

By popular request...

Nelly Plurked a message asking for more dingbats, and she specially asked for hard ones. So here you go. 10L for the first correct answer in comments, not in Plurk! I pay in world once they are all solved. 6 and 10 may be culturally biased.

If you don't don't know what cwt is Google "cwt imperial", and I think over there you say stand in line instead of queue. We're economical like that here.
Good luck!

Sunday 22 November 2009

Lindens right here!

Here's your dingbats! 10L, paid in world, to the first person to guess the word or phrase, leave your answer in comments.

The brass and sheet ones look as though they could be the same Dingbat, but they are two separate ones. The clock and LOSE LOSE are just one Dingbat.

Good hunting!

Trivia in Pyongyang

I think some people are not going to like this post, because I'm going to blog about Marine Park.

Sooner or later all conversations about SL trivia turn to MP. If you don't know it, it's a trivia event held at, I think, 7pm SLT during the week. I've never been to an event there, and, since it's at 3am local time, I'm unlikely ever to do so.

But so I can keep my blogging public informed, I paid my 100L for a 120-minute pass and wandered about the sim for a while. It's a nice waterfront sim if rather laggy, and at 0635 SLT no-one was about, not that anyone in her right senses would pay 100L to wander round a pretty sim with nothing happening.

MP is important to us because of its effect on the trivia economy. It runs very high paying events and injects a lot of lindens into the trivia economy. Winnings from MP finance other events, and I have no doubt that, without MP, there would be fewer lindens flowing about the trivia scene.

The ubiquitous Lette Ponnier at EyeQ

But it really isn't all sweetness and light, and I hear so much grumbling about MP. It's no fun, and social chatter in local chat isn't allowed. There is no warning of questions, which may appear suddenly after 5 minutes' silence. The questions are culled from the Internet, and question quality is low compared with the events some of the players themselves run. Becki categorised trivia events into either trivia (with dancing) or dancing (with trivia). MP is unique, it's dancing (with trivia) without the dancing!

And then there are the bans. Rule infractions are liable to be met with a ban. Questioning questions is liable to be met with a threat. Speaking mildly disparagingly about MP has led to bans.

This attitude is so foreign to me. I've been hosting nearly a year, and I haven't sought to have a single person banned. If I ask a badly researched question I feel ashamed of myself, and seek to put it right and to make sure correct answers are rewarded. What is wrong with these people?

It's clear to me they do it because they can, and because they pay the players to dance to their tune. How many people who go to MP would go if it was a 25L game? Clearly, people only go for the money. What else is there?

I know my post is open to so many objections. How can she comment when she hasn't been? And I think that's fair comment, but most of us know that North Korea isn't a fun place despite never having holidayed in Pyongyang.

And I can be accused of being the fox who lost her brush. Lotus can't go because of time differences, so she's going to make the rest of us look uncool for going. It's possible, but I bore easily and I really don't think I could stand staring at a screen not talking for two hours. It's not me.

Many of you live off your trivia winnings, and I know for some of you MP is a big chunk of your income. Good luck to you, but you can't really expect a huge amount of empathy from those of us on this side of the Atlantic there.

Then there is the effect on the trivia economy. Every MP event must pay out about L18000, which is a lot of money, and much of this will come back into SL trivia. I know that Buccaneer Bowl and Thorny Trivia are mostly funded from MP winnings, and I would hate to see either of the events disappear. These are excellent events! I am thoroughly addicted to Buckybowl, and would be very sad if it were to disappear from the calendar.

Cully Andel hosting at EyeQ. Every Tuesday at 1230 pm

But they aren't the only games in town, and if they were then SL trivia would be a dull place. Double Standards, EyeQ, Sharon's Diner and Shiraz all run regular trivia events throughout the week, and for me they are the bread-and-butter trivia venues that keep SL trivia ticking over. I don't know where the money comes from for Double Standards or Shiraz, but I don't think it's from MP winnings. Sharon's Diner certainly isn't financed by MP, and runs 4-5 events every week, paying out 18000L monthly. Jamie Parfort at EyeQ is now running four weekly events from EyeQ, paying at least 1500L per event, and he displays a frighteningly impressive SL business acumen, as those of us who work there know very well. I just logged on to find an EyeQ notice saying Jamie is paying 9000L this week. He does not get that from MP.

As far as I can see people go to MP for the money, and for no other reason. Nothing in SL lasts forever, and one day MP will disappear. There will be a few shocks round the trivia world, but a new equilibrium will develop, and we'll all get along fine without it.

A warning!
The phrase "trivia elite" seems to have crept in vogue recently. It's snobby everyone, and it should be so not us. The correct term is "trivia community" and anyone saying trivia elite in my presence will get a stern disapproving look from me. I mean it!

Oh, your Dingbats follow in a separate blog. And I always love to get your comments!

Friday 6 November 2009

What you really really want!

Here's your dingbats. I pay 10L to the first person to post the correct answer in comments, paid in-world. Go for it everyone!

Plurk is the new black!

I'm sure you've noticed it, but SL trivia blogging has gone really quiet. A few months ago and everyone was at it, and now we are lucky to have a new post every couple of weeks. A shining exception is Becks's witty take on SL trivia, but the once-prolific Lette's torrent of posts has dried to a trickle. I really enjoyed her interviews with people, and she never did get round to interviewing me and Nelly. Not that I'm hinting, of course, oh no not me!

So if blogging has gone the way of boot cut jeans, where has everyone gone? Well, if you look on the top right of this page you'll see Plurk, and it seems that's where everyone has gone. I have found Plurk to be really addictive and fun, but I do feel sorry that the carefully crafted (or in my case hurriedly thrown together) blog seems to be in decline for SL trivia.

Nelly Swindlehurst on Guy Fawkes Night at Sharon's Diner, Maggie Sewell ran a really fun event, with a great Bonfire Night ambience, but she should know by now that Nelly and fires just don't mix

How can I get this on to Harry Potter? Well, one of the Plurk threads was "If SL Trivia was Hogwarts, who would be which character?"

Harry Potter, obviously, has to be Mako Kungfu. He's geeky and keen, has magical powers and is kinda cute. The senior fatherly figure of Albus Dumbledore is clearly Thornton Writer. Nelly Swindlehurst and Rach Borkotron are Fred and George Weasley, and as Lette pointed out this is SL, and they can change sex if and whenever they want to. I have to have some senior figures so Sharon Scofield is Molly Weasley, and who else but Browman Griffith could be Sirius Black? Lette Ponnier seems surprised to be Professor McGonaghall, but I can just imagine her saying "Report to my study AT ONCE, do you hear?" Can't you? The ever-loyal Ron Weasley, just a little envious of Harry, is an exact match for JoshuaStephen Schism.

And we have to have the forces of darkness too. Lou Netizen stalks the dark halls of Hogwarts as caretaker Argus Filch, and she has to have a cat, so step forward Rain Ninetails. The sinister figure of Severus Snape is Cully Andel. Juke Badger with his hair just has to be Draco Malfoy, and Maelstrom Janus has more than a passing resemblance to dad Lucius Malfoy. Lillian Shippe cast herself as Bellatrix Lestrange, go get her Sharon!

And if haven't included you or someone else, your comment space is open, please use it and fill out our cast list!

Circe Falta hosting at Inferno. The theme was sweet things, and the club looked just fabulous. I put on 3kg just being there!

I've got some other things. I blogged this last time, but the Triviathon is on 7-8 November, and Nelly, myself and DJ Angelo are on at 4-6pm SLT Saturday, with 16000 Lindens to give out, and we'd love to see you there! My Easter Egg for the event is right here, watch this clip! http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/blimp/

And Jamie has recruited two new hosts for EyeQ in the Sky. Sharon is my trivia hosting role model, and for me is one of the two most fun trivia hosts in SL. She's going to do 7am Fridays, and if you've never been to one of Sharon's events, do try and get there, so often she has me laughing out loud in rl. And we're hoping Becki Verne s coming on board too, which would be awesome if she can. Do check out her blog from the link at the start of this post, she's got all the qualifications for an SL trivia host (witty, smart, and I was going to say mouthy but I'm sure there's a politer way to put that).

And here's the result from my poll about Dingbats, it looks like you want me to keep on doing them, sorry to anyone who has problems loading them.

Lotus's dingbat questions at SL events:
They load OK for me on the whole
9 (47%)
They don't load OK for me
2 (10%)
I like them and would like to them continue
11 (57%)
I don't like them and I wish she'd stop doing them
2 (10%)
What is she on about this time?
3 (15%)

Votes so far: 19

Hey, where's my Dingbats? Well, I was hoping for some comments from this post, so I've done a set of really tough Dingbats for you, but I'm going to post them separately today. Comments on the main post have a tendency to get lost among Nelly, Mags, Cully and Becks's Dingbat spam, so I'll have another post up shortly, and I'll spam you all in world and Plurk when I do. Some of them look a bit CBA to me, but you'll manage I'm sure.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Nelly and Lotus do Triviathon

Cully has announced the 24 hour Triviathon, so I can feel free to blog about it. It's a 24-hour SL trivia event on Saturday 7th to Sunday 8th, and the proceeds will go to Relay for Life.

So she's been inviting as many trivia hosts as she can think of, and naturally Nelly and I don't want to be left out, so I'm pleased to tell you that Nelly and I are hosting together with a 2 hour slot from 4pm to 6pm SLT Saturday. I do know Cully still has six slots left to flii, so if any of you want to take part, IM Cully Andel in game and we'll see you there!

I hope you know by now that we like to put on a good show, and we do not want you to go away disappointed, so we're going to make a special Nelly and Lotus effort.

Fiz Laval at Clancy Huckleberry's Shiraz event

First thing is we're putting up 13K Lindens in prize money. We're hoping a most of that comes back in donations, but how much you give is entirely for yourself to decide. We'll be hitting you with 40 questions instead of our usual 30, and Nelly will have a Nelliminator for you, and I'll work up a Countdown and some dingbats . And if we think of anything else before then we'll put it in.

Oh yes, one last thing. Whatever you give during our event, I'll match the amount and donate it to UNICEF. And can I just say that UNICEF is a really worthwhile charity. Your money goes to providing third world children with mosquito nets against malaria, with AIDS treatments, with clean water, and other basics that those of us fortunate to be born in rich countries take for granted. There! I can get off my soapbox now.

Josh behaving himself right now, Rach and I look the other way

Mako has finally made me get onto Plurk, and I've missed out all this time! If you're not on Plurk do not delay, click the link at the top of the sidebar and get Plurking!

And now for your dingbats. 10L for the first person to get the word or phrase, paid in world. Answer in comments please.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Do get it right, Lotus!

I know I'm not the most assiduous of researchers, and Chadd and Shale put me to shame, but even though I get through 50 questions every week, I do like to get it right. Sometimes you come up with alternative correct answers (and I do love those!) and for sure I sometimes miss the right winner, but you all keep me right, and I hope I always put things right with you where I get it wrong.

Nelly always says I should not do spam questions, because I so often come up with the wrong winners, and I do admit to finding it hard to keep up with fast-moving text and pick out a correct answer, but maybe that's just me getting older.

But it's really embarrassing when I get it completely wrong, as I did at EyeQ last week. The question I asked was "What was Abba's last No.1 single in the UK Chart", and the answer I gave was "The Winner Takes it All" in 1978. Which is, I'm sorry to say, wrong, as Carrion pointed out at the time, and the right answer was "Super Trouper" in 1980. I must have misread the Wiki entry, but I really hate to get something as wrong as that, and I should have researched the question better.

Nelly, Lotus and Kiri at Sharon's Diner. The beaver on the vote box has thankfully been greyed out

I am speaking only for myself here, but I do like it when you come up with alternative correct answers, and if you do think I've got it wrong, please say so in local chat or IM me! I'm only too pleased to look into it and pay you if I think you're right. Please don't think I'm worrying myself into an early grave over getting one question wrong, and I do not want a post-mortem after every question, but I don't mind at all if you keep me right. Nelly does it, why should you not?

Cully Andel and Krikra McMillan at AnaMaria's Monday event at Moysie'

I put a poll about alts on my blog a couple of posts ago, and I've got the results for you here. It doesn't suggest to me that most of you have any problem with alts. I was Option 4: I don't use them but I don't have a problem.

OK everyone, it's Linden time. Ten dingbats for you, answer in comments please, 10L for each first correct answer, paid in game.

About alts in SL:

I use them and like them
10 (41%)
I use them but I wish alts didn't exist
2 (8%)
I don't use them and I wish they didn't exist
2 (8%)
I don't use them but I have no problem with them
4 (16%)
I just don't care at all
6 (25%)

I've put a new poll on for you this week, I'd like to know how you are finding my dingbat questions at events. Some of you seem to be having loading issues, and I want to know if I should keep on doing them. This time you can choose multiple answers.

Sunday 4 October 2009

The Quest for the Perfect Event

I've been hosting quiz events since January, and I'll let you into a secret! Not all my events have gone as smoothly as I would have wanted, and I'm going to look at why this might be sometimes.

Readers of this blog will know that I think that there should be more to trivia events than asking questions, but today I do want to look at questions themselves, and in particular question register.

I mean by question register setting questions right for my audience. I'd really like everyone to come away from one of my events saying to themselves that they enjoyed it. And that means my questions have to be right for you! If only it were so easy.

First we have the Scylla of easy questions. If I asked for the capital of France, the speed typists would get the answer every time, and knowledgeable people who aren't fast typists will not be in with a chance. Veer too much towards difficult questions, and the Charybdis of Google swallows me, or worse still, the lingering death of hint after hint until the penny drops, and somebody finally comes up with the answer.

I'll never make an SL photographer! I managed to take this photo of Rhea Neiro and Cinna Yaris at Monochrome with my HUDS included. So we also have (clockwise from top right) Rain's What? HUD, Rudi's Green Tool Radar and SEMations AO HUD.

With peak time events like EyeQ and Lilly's 12 noon events, I tend to know the players, and I can at least match my questions with my estimate of players' likely strengths, are likely to know, and I do try to avoid questions where I know certain particular strong players will know the answer. We should not have the same player winning every time, should we?

Early Birds and Night Owls at 11pm on Fridays is much harder. The unusual time means, I think, that people are less likely to come every week, and will tend to come if they're online at that time. I sometimes find myself changing questions in mid-event once I have a feel for the players, and I might take out questions that I think too hard, or too culturally biased, and replace them with easier ones, or questions directed to particular cultures. Since I've been doing Early Birds I've realised that there are some really good players in SL who don't come to mainstream events, but who clearly are smart trivia players. One day I must ask them what they find in SL that's better than trivia. Perhaps I'm missing out on something?

My question register for Cully and my Great British Pub Quiz is,, if course, entirely different. Here my questions should have a cultural bias, with a strong British and Irish flavour. I enjoy writing for this event, because I can use questions I'd never dream of asking at international events. We were really pleased when we ran this event first time to find that so many people came along, and that there was so much interest in a British and Irish event. We're doing another event on Monday 5 October at 1.30pm SLT.

JoshStephen Schism, Lucinda Dollinger, Lotus Ceriano and a zombified Lette Ponnier at Monochrome, sorry [Monochrome]

I'm sitting here thinking that it's just impossible to get it right! When all is said and done, SL trivia is competitive, and it's right that the best players should do well. I just hope that enough of you have fun to make it worthwhile coming along!

I've got some lindeny dingbats for you, but first here's a link to some really annoying Flash games, Semantic Wars and Cargo Bridge. Needless to say I'm hopeless with both, but I don't see why you should not have your time wasted too.

For your dingbats, 10L to the first correct answer in comments, paid in world. Good luck!

Tuesday 29 September 2009

More Cultural Bias

I'm going to talk again about cultural issues in SL trivia. I know, I blogged about it before, and when I did you gave me lots of interesting comments and perspectives on the issue. This time I'm not looking to grumble or stir up controversy, just to acquaint you with our Culturally Biased plans.

Cully and I were chatting about cultural bias a few weeks ago and we decided finally we should do something about it. And we decided that if you can't beat 'em, we'll join 'em!

So I'm going to tell you about the 100% culturally biased event we've set up at Flanagan's Pub. Our idea was to try and recreate an RL British or Irish Pub Quiz, and quizzes like would have the sort of questions I would never dare to make an event out of in SL.

It's unashamedly culturally biased, and we worried we might not attract enough British and Irish players. But you all did us proud, and a hardy few from over the pond even ventured into our wallowing in Father Ted and Coronation Street.

Olmstead Fanshaw, our latest winner of a Karmel and Lotus Challenge T-shirt. The question was "Who was the wife of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian?" The answer was Theodora.

Oh yes, before I forget, the sim has the wonderful father Ted Parochial House, complete with Pat Mustard, Chris the sheep and the miraculous holy image of Bishop Brennan on the skirting board.

Here are my questions from 14 September. I've left out dingbats, and I've put the answers at the foot of my post.

1: Which Coronation Street character first appeared in 1974 and died on 18 January 2008?

2: What did Harold Wilson view as his greatest achievement?

3: Who extinguishes fires in Pontypandy?

4: Which guidebook writer wrote a seven-volume “Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells”?

5: Where would you find the National Media Museum?

6: Which university is descended from the Catholic University of Ireland, founded in 1854?

7: Which parliamentary constituency did Tony Blair sit for?

8: What is the deepest lake in England?

9: Who is the captain of the England Test cricket team?

Anyway, I want to tell you that we will be doing another Great British Pub Quiz next Monday 5 October at 1.30 slt. Watch events for details. I've written my questions, I do hope Cully finds the time to do hers, from her last blog post she sounded just a little bit overstretched...

Lette and I have another idea for a UK/US event, but I'll keep that one under wraps until we fix it up. It should be a real laugh if we can make it work, so I'll let yo know about that one another time.

And your answers were:

1. Vera Duckworth
2. The Open University
3. Fireman Sam
4. Alfred Wainwright
5. Bradford
6. University College, Dublin
7. Sedgefield
8. Wastwater
9. Andrew Strauss

Do I hear you say Dingbats? 10L pain in world for our first each correct answer posted in comments!

Friday 25 September 2009

Try this one!

Let's try a different puzzle this time, post your best time in comments and the winner by, shall we say 11pm Saturday wins 100L. Leave your times and your SL avi name in comments, please. Be honest!

Click on the puzzle to start it, the timer should be in the new window.

Click to Mix and Solve

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Chaos and confusion

I'm normally an early riser, but not many things get me out of bed at 5am, but Chaos Truth or Dare does.

Chaos is a special kind of trivia event, but when I
say trivia the questions aren't the main thing, just a vehicle to keep the game moving along. It's the Truth or Dare element that makes it so special. Now before I go any further I need to say that we at Chaos must agree that what happens at Chaos stays at Chaos, and that any pictures taken at Chaos may only be reproduced with the permission of those involved. And, I'm pleased to say, the people in question have said yes!

Mako's dare was to sent this naked pic of himself to another player. Sadly I only saw the censored version. Thanks Mako for permission to use your Flickr pic

It works like this. Lette asks a question, and the person who gets a question right picks someone else to do a Truth or a Dare. The Truths are a mixed bag, and the Mistress of Amok Lette asks supplementary questions with forensic skill. Being asked to tell everyone how I masturbate isn't something I do every day, and I can feel myself blushing when I write this sentence, but in the interests of accuracy a good blogger must tell it how it is!

The Dares are fun. Rach Borkotron is the Daremistress, and it's so nice to see someone enjoying her job, even if her enthusiasm has to be reined in by Lette from time to time. There is strip hangman, where the dared player must guess a word, and lose an item of clothing for every wrong letter. I'm sure we Mac users are at a disadvantage with naked mudwrestling, because I had my face pushed in the mud several times. Lately I sense a pattern for myself, which is me getting dares that lead to Nelly doing mean things to me. She, of course, enjoys that.

And that's another thing about Chaos. Once I've got to know people it's even better, and it's got better yet for me when Nelly and Kiri come along. There is nothing like seeing your friends given silly dares to do!

Nelly enjoying her dare, w
hich was to spank me ten times

By the way, I know I'm digressing, but have you noticed this at events? People tend to stand in the same place. At Lilly's Anamaria and Becki are always near the fire, Rain always on the mantelpiece, Lette, Kiri and Rickson towards the bar, and Sharon always seems to be by the door for some rea
son, maybe in case her creditors appear. This does make it easier to pay winners if you know where they will be, and a problem I have at EyeQ is the lack of landmarks makes it hard for me to locate winners.

I told you I'd post a picture of me in a Chaos wet T shirt and thong if I ever won one. Here I am drying out afterwards in front of my fire!

Anyway, getting back to our subject, our Chaos hosts treat new players gently, and don't be afraid to come along and join in, you won't be made to get naked on your first outing. I keep saying so, but Chaos really is fun! Chaos is on 8.30 pm SLT Saturdays.

Anyway I promised you lindeny Dingbats, and here they come! Ten of them, 10L to each person with a first correct answer in comments. Please leave your avi name and I'll pay you in-world. Good luck everyone!

Buckybowl 9

By now I'm an experienced Buccaneer Bowler, and I've only ever missed two events. But it's still the biggest event for me in my trivia diary, and the event is just different.

It is, for me, easily the most competitive trivia event in SL. Almost all the best players are there, and the team element means I don't want to let down my team mates. I always get to Buckybowl with my low-ARC (36 this time) avi, and I feel the tension rising right away...

Because the sim with the pirate ship has been sold without Lette's knowledge, Buckybowl 9 was at Monochrome, which is always a great trivia venue, and which performed admirably, with very little lag for me.

I don't know if I was imagining it, but the competition this time seemed fierce, and after a good start in the first round where we got the first bonus, we had a 'mare in the second round where we failed to get a single point. This has never happened to us before, but we bounced back to win the third and fourth rounds, and a solid final round saw us home first.

Trumpton, the winners of Buckybowl 1, ran us close, and a new team Zen and the Koans (read all about Koans
here) were a very strong third.

The Triviators with their low-ARC avis at Monochrome, picture courtesy of Mako

But we did it, and we're champs for the sixth time, so wtg Mako, Starla, Alanna and absent-this-time Nelly, you are such awesome team-mates.

I'm now starting to feel tense about Buckybowl 10 as I write this...calm down girl!


The alt wars have broken out again (here and here), and although it isn't a subject I have strong feelings about, I thought I'd give you my two penn'orth.

I have two alts, and neither of them has been out in months. I just don't find any use for them, and I want to be myself and not a multitude of identities.

On the whole, I'd rather know who I'm dealing with in SL, but alts are a fact of life, and I can't do anything at all to change things.

And if everyone else thought like me, what sort of a boring place would SL be? So my view is, why should I waste my time worrying over something I can do nothing about? If people want to have alts, I'm happy to go with it. I know some of my friends' alts, and in IMs we sometimes maintain the fiction of talking about the main avi in the third person, which can be quite fun if you don't do it too often.

But..do be careful who you're talking to about somebody else, it might just be her alt.

Oh yes, there's a new poll in the sidebar, all about alts. Please vote!

Nelly reminded me I haven't posted for a while, and I'm going to post a longer entry in the next day or so, complete with dingbats, so watch this space!

Sunday 13 September 2009

A few more dingbats

You seemed to like them, so here's ten more.

Same as before, but 10L for each this time. Have fun!

Saturday 12 September 2009

Typing faster than the speed of light

Speed typing. Becki posted on this recently, bemoaning her 3MB connection, and how it handicaps competing at Buccaneer Bowl. I just checked my speed now which came in at 3.5MB, and I'm just a two fingered typist, but my Buccaneer Bowl record is respectable soooo I think I'll keep quiet on that subject...

First of all let me say right away that I think there's no avoiding it. If you give people enough time in SL trivia they will Google. You can ask people not to as much as you like, and most will play to the spirit of the game, but once someone starts Googling everyone else is at a big disadvantage. And in my opinion all efforts to kill speed typing founder on the rock of Google.

Tori, Sharon, Kiri, Polaris and Lotus are the naughty girls in the penalty box at Sharon's Diner

My own opinion is, if we can't eliminate Google, we may as well embrace it, and there are countless times when I'm hosting that I've been glad of someone Googling a question that has turned out to be too hard. Karmel says in an ideal event everyone would win once, and while I think this is right, I find it harder to do in practice. Some people are just very good, but here's my thoughts on how we hosts should think about it:
  • Avoid themes unless they are very broad
  • Do not run events about one country's popular culture
  • Be generous with Pity Lindens (I love that phrase, was it Nelly who came up with it?)
  • Try and find something that can involve everyone
  • Try and make it fun! Don't be too serious!
I try to do this myself, and that's why I've run the Easter Eggs and money for typos. But no matter how hard I try, it tends to be the regular players who get the Easter Eggs, and my typos seem to be a major income stream for Sharon Scofield and Nelly Swindlehurst. Please, everyone, check my Lilly's and EyeQ notices for the Easter Egg links. It's money for jam, it really is. I want to give you the Lindens!

Glimmer Mattercaster wearing a Karmel and
Lotus shirt after she won the Challenge question at Lilly's.
The question was "In the Harry Potter books, who does Harry marry?"

I've rather strayed from the speed typing subject, but the reason why it's so prevalent is that all efforts to deal with it turn out unsatisfactory to my way of thinking, in one way or another.

Samantha Poindexter uses an innovative HUD system for her strip trivia event, where you have to choose one of four answers. The winner is chosen randomly from the correct answers, the losers remove an item of clothing and it's rather neat and fun. But for me it lacks something, because multiple choice questions are so hard to write. Either they are far too easy, or so hard it just seems like guessing, and I rather think this is intrinsic to the system, and not the fault of the question setter.

Tori Lok and Sweejen Stourmead at Lilly's

I wonder if this could be solved by removing the multiple choice element and the host marking free text answers right or wrong? I wouldn't like to have to mark 20answers for every question myself, though.
I've played games where players send answers in IM, but I don't much like this. Anyone who wants can Google answers, and it removes much of the social aspect of the game. I would far rather play a fun game for fewer Lindens than a boring one for lots of Lindens.

Personally I think we are stuck with speed typing, and it's the job of us trivia hosts to make it interesting for people without lightning fingers, but who know their trivia. And that brings me onto your lindeny questions, and those of you who come to my events might just be familiar with Dingbats. I've got five for you today, 20L for each first correct answer in comments, paid in world.

Monday 31 August 2009

Trivia hosts unplugged

I can tell you why I host trivia in SL. I enjoy the whole process of trivia hosting. Doing the research and framing the questions can be onerous sometimes, but delving through reference books and Wiki is never dull for me. So many byways and new fields to explore. And although I'm quite a shy person in RL, there is an actress in me, and standing up in front of a virtual crowd does something for my ego.
And I have made friends with so many wonderful people (that's you!), and I can try out new ideas which, if they go wrong, can't hurt anyone except myself.

Cully Andel hosting at Double Standards.

It's Cully's rezday today, many happy returns Cully!

And I got to wondering why ever
yone else hosts, so I sent out a survey to every host on my friends list. If I did not ask you I'm so sorry, but please please tell us why you host in comments. If you replied but your answer isn't here, I missed your IM, please tell me quick and I'll edit you in! And if I'm not on your friends list but should be, just open up that blue box and tell me.

Thank you everyone for your responses, and I have found them fascinating. Some were IM, which explains the chatty style of some, and some were notecards. I'm going to post them verbatim and without comment from me. Comment from you would be wonderful.

I asked people to describe, preferably in one sentence, why they host (Sinnamon wins the prize for the longest sentence). And this is what they said:

Cully Andel:
Why do I host -well it ain't for the money! Well - I guess I've always been one for organising things. And I like to have fun doing it. Most trivia events are great fun because of the people there - and it's a nice being able to offer fun events which people enjoy. (Which I hope I do)

I think that's probably why - and of course I'm nuts - which you have to be :)

Maggie Sewell: Because it's a way of giving back to people who give up much for others. I have no other skills.

My very good friend Kiriaster Mirakjar at Double Standards

Honey Potez: In one sentence/thought: I have continued to host trivia for almost two years because of the people: 1) the people that tend to follow trivia are genuine, thoughtful, intelligent and smart, and 2) many people depend on all of the hosts as constant companions and friends as they have RL illnesses or issues preventing them from fully living in the real world and depend on our events as something to look forward to each day.

I know it’s a long response but hosting is something I am passionate about :)

Lacey Lukas: I enjoy hosting trivia because I've always been a "game" type of person... watching game shows on tv, play games in RL ... and trivia has been one my favourite games. And I've discovered in SL that apparently I can't read the questions fast enough to beat the "fast fingers" in SL so being a host is the next best thing to playing. The trivia environment in SL is a lot of fun thanks to the colourful group of people who participate. Every event is always full of fun and laughter and what more could a person ask for :)

AnaMaria Quintessa: I said it was because I was a megalomaniac.I want to stand upon a pedestal dispensing favour and LindenDollars amongst the intelligentsia like a fickle despotic monarch bestowing patronage to their favourites; who just so happen to know the same irrelevent factoids that I currently value.On the more altruistic side, i don't want to just be what Lou has called a "parasite" ie just turning up enjoying the Qs and taking money off peopleOn the insecure side, i felt would only ever be a second class member of the trivia community and would not have "arrived" until i hosted my own game.

JoshuaStephen Schism: I like to give back to the trivia community and I like to be on stage

Chaddington Boomhauer: My main motivation for hosting trivia is that it's fun to do. It's also to ensure there is a trivia event I can't be ejected from ;)

Rickson Barbosa: hi Lotus, got your notecard...best way I can sum up the motivation thing is just that I enjoy it...I enjoy the researching and the asking. I wish I could give you something more philosophical but I can't really. :D

The Daremistress herself Lette Ponnier plans something for her next victim nominee

Circe Falta: Hey Lotus- Why do I host? Because it's fun. Actually, I was just filling in a spot while Lyss was gone, and it kind of stuck. But I kept doing it, because I enjoy coming up with the questions (usually), and tying everything together, trying to fit in a bunny somewhere. I like testing people's knowledge, and more, learning on my own while I research too- I get distracted a lot so it takes me all day sometimes. lol. I hope something there helps :)

Lette Ponnier: so... each time I’ve started a new trivia game, it's been because I had an idea about a new way to play trivia that seemed like it would be fun and I get excited about the idea, and I have to carry it out. This is how chaos, bucc bowl, and birthday suit trivia all started. So hosting, for me, is about innovating and creating and seeing good ideas come to fruition, and seeing people really enjoy the work that I put into it.

Impromptu is the only one that follows a standard format, and i started doing that when there was a gap in the schedule and i felt like having trivia and figured if no one else was having it, I might as well do it myself.

Mako Kungfu: My main motivation for hosting, when I was a host, was as a sort of PR move to bring people to Armada and have them experience the place. I did it for the fun of introducing people to a new location and to source material (the works of China Mieville) that they were probably unfamiliar with... and to get those mental gears cranking -- a lot of trivia is pretty inane, but I think it was hard to attend an Armada trivia without learning something. It was a smart crowd of engaged players in an interesting location, which I really enjoyed. It was also a bit of a unique situation -- I don't think I'd be as interested in hosting at a club or something. In those cases, I prefer to play.

Nelly Swindlehurst: OK here's my quote for ya.... My motivation for hosting trivia? Well its fun! You get to control the questions being asked and therefore subject matter, you usually walk away with more money than you started with... and everyone actually has to pay attention to you :)

Karmel Kips: I co-host at Lilly's so I can stay off the Lotus Blacklist! But seriously... I host trivia because I enjoy sharing interesting information with others while keeping them entertained.

Sinnamon Sands: Hey Lotus, sorry I hadn't got back to you on the survey... wasn't really sure what to say... I guess I originally got into hosting to try to attract people to the club, but I found that I liked it because of the creative and social aspects of it. Creative in that you get to try to come up with questions and deliberate about having a good mix of subjects, difficulty levels, things that will interest and entertain people. And you get to have the opportunity to shape an event in the image of what you think will be fun and entertaining for people, to experiment with some different styles and things. The main reason is just that I enjoy the social experience of hosting, having a lot of new people and regulars both come to chat, hang out, have fun in an environment

Thanks so much everyone, just what I was looking for! And onto your Lindeny questions. I pay 10L, paid in world, for each first correct answer. Answer in comments please, replace the missing letters.

1. 5280 FIAM

2. LPN 9


4. 90 NIABG

5. 78 CIATP

6. 646 CITUKP

7. T 10 C

8. NG 33 1/3 TFI

9. 206 BITHB

10. 9 SBLvB

Sunday 30 August 2009

Arrivals and departures

I've got a more substantial post to follow soon, but I just want to tell you something new.

The departure is that I'm dropping my Wednesday Lilly's event. I've loved doing it, and working with Nelly, Rev, Rick and Karmel has been such a pleasure, but I'm writing 65 new questions every week and I can't do everything. I'll still be hosting with Karmel on Fridays, and I'll still be doing Early Birds and Night Owls with Chantal on Saturdays. Lilly's is in my trivia hosting genes and I'm not giving that up.

The arrival is Jamie Parfort's new venue EyeQ. The Grand Opening is this week, and Jamie has signed me up for a new event. And for me the big attractin is that I'll be reunited with Nelly Swindlehurst. Nelly is such fun to host with that I'd walk over hot coals to do it, but Jamie's new low-lag venue doesn't have hot coals, so I'm spared that. We're going to be running 30 questions paying 1st/2nd/3rd, and we'll bring money for typos and Easter Eggs, and we'll see what else we can think up.

The not-at-all-elusive any more Nelly Swindlehurst

Jamie's also got Cully doing an event, and I hope she'll tell you about it in comments. Our event is on Wednesdays at 2pm SLT.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Anything but hip-hop and rap

Lou doesn't like DJs at trivia events, but I do. I've been on SL a year, and one thing I have really liked is listening to music I have never heard before, or coming across old tunes again. And today I want to talk about those ubiquitous SL people, the DJs.

Because of SL I have bought loads of CDs in the past year, and my iPod has all sorts of different music compared with a year ago. Sometimes it has confirmed my negative prejudices too. I never have liked rap or hip-hop, and, no matter how much I listen too, I can't make it sound any better. Even Nickelback is better than that, sorry hip-hoppers

Samantha Poindexter hosting Strip Trivia, she uses an innovative HUD system that removes the speed typing element, as well as people's clothes.

4pm Fridays

For me, a good DJ can add such a lot to a trivia event. When playing I really enjoy the interaction a good DJ can have with the players. The best DJs get to know their customers, and there is something so touching about having a DJ play you a song because they know I like it. I often wondered, Sinnamon and Angelo, do you remember music I like, or do you make notes in avi profiles? You both do it so well.

Some DJs become an integral part of the event. Cully does Alphabet Trivia twice a week at Melodi, and the DJ plays tunes starting with, or bands starting with, the letter in question. I shall be very interested to see how they get on when X and Q come up, there is definitely such as thing as too much Queen and XTC. DJ Kewan also has a "middle bit" in the interval, where players are invited to identify music clips,, so that Rach Borkotron can win a prize. I usually get 1 out of 10, though I excelled myself with zero last week.

I'm not here to say bad things about DJs, but sometimes DJs seem determined to play their own sets, and to take no notice of the crowd and just do as they please. Unless you happen to be playing British indie music, that's just dull, and you're not working for your crowd. It's just the same with trivia hosts, we have remember we're here to entertain.

Readers of my blog will know I host at Lilly's. The Wednesday and Friday 12 noon events were established before I hosted, and I view myself as merely one of the current hosts. Mars Lake and Sandi Losangeles DJ these events, and both are such a pleasure to work with, and their sets add so much to the event.

But if I'm asked which is my favourite, I'd have to say Early Birds and Night Owls at 11pm Fridays. That's my own event, and it's quieter in tone than the other two events, and without Challenges and Easter Eggs and shouting, and it's a different crowd. And lately Chantal Glenwalker has been getting out of her RL bed to DJ the event, and she is so good, picking up from questions, answers and chat, and she tunes her set so well to our event. I find myself looking forward to Chantal's next tune, wondering if she'll pick up on what someone just said, or an asnwer someone just gave. I'm not saying all DJs should do it that way, but I find it matches my early morning hosting style so well.

Cerys Curtois at Coco's Shiraz event

T-Shirt winner

Becki Verne won Friday's T-Shirt Challenge and a rolled-over 300L on Friday, so wtg her! The questions was: "In "The Grapes of Wrath", what was the name of the family who travelled to California?"

Becki beat two others who got the answer before the 5 second cutoff. I'm not sure if anyone has signed Becki up for next weekend's Buccaneer Bowl, but she's been doing really well at events I've been at, and if you're looking for a player...

Becki Verne, winner of a Karmel and Lotus Lilly's T-shirt

I know you want Lindeny questions to finish, but please may I ask for comments about my new picture format? Does it work for you? If not, can I improve it?

Replace the letters, answer in comments please. Leave me your avi name and I'll pay 10L for each first correct answer, paid in world.


2. 77SS

3. 8 FIAM

4. 12 POCN

5. T39S

6. ATO2C

7. 2468M


9. 2001 ASO

10. 4LG2LB

Saturday 15 August 2009

Worth more than lindens

Lette's most recent post about prize money generated lots of interesting discussion, and one point commenters made was that money is not the only motivator in SL trivia.

I want to look today at non-financial achievements in SL trivia. You know, titles and medals and things without intrinsic worth but sou
ght after nevertheless.

My take on this will be coloured by the events I go to. All sorts of things may go on at events when I'm in bed attended by people who only come out at night, so if I missed anything please let me know.

So Chaos first. If you don't know Chaos, it's on at 8.30pm slt and is basically Truth or Dare with some trivia to oil it (maybe not the best metaphor there). It's where the first person to get naked after the 9.30 watershed gets a wet T shirt and a thing. Lette and Reke stipulate voluntarily naked doesn't count, because certain persons display a keenness to show their pixels. I've never won this coveted T shirt, but if and when I do I promise I'll post a picture of me wearing it right here on Lotus-Pocus.

I was composing a picture of Lillian Shippe at Double Standards when Lette Ponnier walked into shot and made it even better

Just about everyone knows about Buccaneer Bowl. Thornton, Lette and Lillian's event has been blogged about and commented on a lot. Teams of four battle it out for big prize money and the BuccBowl Champs tags. I find the event very stressful but I also find it great fun. Almost all the best players are there, and with a possible forty others competition is fierce. And then there is the team thing, I always feel very much that I don't want to let my team down, as I once did by messing up a bonus answer when they had told me the correct answer. I'm lucky to be in a very tolerant team full of smart players. Next BuckyBowl is 29 August. It's looking like the Triviators may be at full strength.

Smartasstermind at Double Standards is based on the British TV quiz show Mastermind. Hummingbird Forster runs it, and contestants pay an entrance fee and have two rounds of questions in the black chair. The first round is on a self-chosen specialist subject, and the second on general knowledge. My one try at this was not an amazing success as I only scored five points on my specialist subject. This, I think, is a drawback with this format, because some specialist subjects are very narrow and some very broad. If you choose a single book or a film there are only so many facts you can be questioned on. If you choose, as Thornton did, World War 2, the possibilities for questions are almost infinite. Sour grapes Lotus, good players won it and I have to do better next time.

Zarita at my Early Birds and Night Owls
Lilly's event

Lebn Bucyk runs an event on Sundays at Barefoot. There are five rounds of five questions, and the questions seem - I think Lebn once said intellectual - compared with some other events. Each round has a different subject, and there is a bonus for a person who gets all the questions in a round, Lebn calls it running a round. When he started his event I thin he expected this to happen often, but it took a while for Anamaria Quintessa to do it for the first time on the subject of barbarians, and a round has only been run once since.

And finally T shirts at Lilly's. We run a challenge question at the end of the event, and if the winner gets it inside 5 seconds we give them a T shirt and lots of lindens. Probably we've had ten or so winners now. I like to make the questions hard (it's a challenge, as Nelly says), but not impossible. And I'always really pleased when someone does win, I like giving out those coveted "Too clever for Rickson/Karmel/Rev/Nelly and Lotus Trivia at Lilly's" shirts. WTG winners!

Before your linden bearing questions if anyone has been puzzled by short-lived picture question posts on this blog (Hilda and Luce especially) it's to do with my in-event new picture question format. I should have taken them down right away after using them, sorry for the confusion. I'm not sure how it's working, please let me know in comments. I can bear the truth, honestly.

So, lindeny questions. 10L for each first correct answer in comments, paid in world, please remember to give your avi name.

Replace the letters.

1. 6 FIAF

2. 1 MYBC

3. 7 SOR

4. 14 DIAF

5. 90 MIAFG

6. 78 CIATP

7. 112 PIAH

8. 100 DIF

9. 44 POTUS

10. 8 MA-M