Tuesday 20 October 2009

Nelly and Lotus do Triviathon

Cully has announced the 24 hour Triviathon, so I can feel free to blog about it. It's a 24-hour SL trivia event on Saturday 7th to Sunday 8th, and the proceeds will go to Relay for Life.

So she's been inviting as many trivia hosts as she can think of, and naturally Nelly and I don't want to be left out, so I'm pleased to tell you that Nelly and I are hosting together with a 2 hour slot from 4pm to 6pm SLT Saturday. I do know Cully still has six slots left to flii, so if any of you want to take part, IM Cully Andel in game and we'll see you there!

I hope you know by now that we like to put on a good show, and we do not want you to go away disappointed, so we're going to make a special Nelly and Lotus effort.

Fiz Laval at Clancy Huckleberry's Shiraz event

First thing is we're putting up 13K Lindens in prize money. We're hoping a most of that comes back in donations, but how much you give is entirely for yourself to decide. We'll be hitting you with 40 questions instead of our usual 30, and Nelly will have a Nelliminator for you, and I'll work up a Countdown and some dingbats . And if we think of anything else before then we'll put it in.

Oh yes, one last thing. Whatever you give during our event, I'll match the amount and donate it to UNICEF. And can I just say that UNICEF is a really worthwhile charity. Your money goes to providing third world children with mosquito nets against malaria, with AIDS treatments, with clean water, and other basics that those of us fortunate to be born in rich countries take for granted. There! I can get off my soapbox now.

Josh behaving himself right now, Rach and I look the other way

Mako has finally made me get onto Plurk, and I've missed out all this time! If you're not on Plurk do not delay, click the link at the top of the sidebar and get Plurking!

And now for your dingbats. 10L for the first person to get the word or phrase, paid in world. Answer in comments please.


  1. Commercial break right Becki

  2. Copycat Mags!
    Going for a song Becks

  3. Oo Becks all your eggs in one basket defeated me
    Pace up and down yes

  4. Tea for two yes. Iron man no but remember these were 1980s

  5. i'll come back to the others if Nelly doesn't get them - and thanks Lotus for offering to host and also for you double generosity offering to match your own charity.
    I'm sure you and Nelly, and the other hosts we've so far got lined up will make sure that this is en event we'll all remember:)

  6. Wheels within wheels and win with ease ties it up for kiri!
