Tuesday 22 September 2009


The alt wars have broken out again (here and here), and although it isn't a subject I have strong feelings about, I thought I'd give you my two penn'orth.

I have two alts, and neither of them has been out in months. I just don't find any use for them, and I want to be myself and not a multitude of identities.

On the whole, I'd rather know who I'm dealing with in SL, but alts are a fact of life, and I can't do anything at all to change things.

And if everyone else thought like me, what sort of a boring place would SL be? So my view is, why should I waste my time worrying over something I can do nothing about? If people want to have alts, I'm happy to go with it. I know some of my friends' alts, and in IMs we sometimes maintain the fiction of talking about the main avi in the third person, which can be quite fun if you don't do it too often.

But..do be careful who you're talking to about somebody else, it might just be her alt.

Oh yes, there's a new poll in the sidebar, all about alts. Please vote!

Nelly reminded me I haven't posted for a while, and I'm going to post a longer entry in the next day or so, complete with dingbats, so watch this space!


  1. My alts know better than to admit it!
    I bet they are really Lotus alts...

  2. I am Spartacus' Alt.

  3. I can't be a Lotus alt - you're actually nice to me, Nelly. On occasion. I think.
