Saturday 1 August 2009

Winning friends, influencing people

I've long thought that SL is like real life, only speeded up 50 times. Venues and events come and go, and old friends depart and new ones arrive. And somehow in a short space of time I have transformed from a complete noob knowing nobody into a senior member of the trivia community.

After I posted last time I had two conversations that set me thinking. In my blog I've quoted from IM conversations I had with Nelly, once directly and once indirectly. I then realised doing this was telling others about our private conversations, when I hadn't asked it I might do so. She told me she had no problems at all with what I had written, but still, I felt I had betrayed confidences.

The other conversation was very thought provoking. I won't say who it was with (see rule no1 below), but it was with someone who isn't a trivia regular. We were chatting about various things and he said that I had the power to destroy reputations with my blog. I'm sure he was not saying I had destroyed anyone's reputation, but I've been thinking about this since.

This is not the only SL trivia blog, and there are other excellent trivia blogs listed in the sidebar. But I want you to enjoy what I write, and look forward to new posts, and not to fear them.

Cinna, Devin and Jez on the ZooBar beach.

Somebody had given Cinna's Evil Titler a Triviators title. Chadd claims to have evidence that one of the Triviators is trading on our team name. Who can it be???

My experience of SL has been almost all positive. I've made some really good friends, and those I haven't got on with I can avoid. I want to keep it that way.

So I'm going to set myself some blogging rules, and I'll do my best to stick to them. Isn't it a bit late to set yourself rules in your 13th post, I hear you say? Well, better late then never, so here we go:

1. I won't repeat the content of IMs in my blog without permission.*

2. If I haven't got anything nice to say about someone I'll say nothing.*

3. My opinions are just that, and should not be taken as meaning I think everyone should think that way. Well spotted, that's a rule for you and not me!

4. I will never use this blog to settle scores, not that I have many to settle.*

* Except Nelly Swindlehurst

So that's it for this post, a blog entry about blogging, if you like, a first-order derivative post. You deserve questions for lindens.

Replace the letters with the correct words. Answer in comments, please, leave your avi name and I'll pay 10L in-world for the first correct answer.

1. 6 FOAC

2. 20 FOIAP

3. 12 AM

4. 32 POACB

5. ITVODRT 600

6. 10 GBHOTW

7. 99 RB

8. 27 BITNT

9. 14 JBD

10. 1805 BOT


  1. Nelly Swindlehurst1 August 2009 at 02:56

    I have to agree with Lotus... I am usually the exception to the rule lmao. But no worries... you haven't caused any more damage to my reputation than was already done

    4. 32 pieces on a chessboard
    7. 99 Red Balloons
    8. 27 books in the new testament

  2. WavingMarcel Floresby, Hi Lotus! Missing the early bird Trivia Comp. I think I got a couple though,

    5. Into The Valley Of Death Rode The 600.
    10. 1805 Battle of Trafalgar.

  3. Hi again Lotus, its me WavingMarcel again, this 2nd cup of coffee is working, got a couple more I think.

    1. 6 Faces Of/On A Cube.
    3. 12 Angry Men.

  4. Erm... its me WavingMarcel again.. is this called serial twittering? or can you have "blog spam"? Anyway, I've got one , maybe two more,

    2. Fluid Ounces In A Pint. and this one is dodgy....

    6. 10 Green Bottles Hanging On The Wall.

    Right, thats it, I'll get my coat....

  5. Scrap #2 use interestingness as an overriding factor!

  6. I am of the understanding that any copy pasting or repetition of chat or IMs is a breach of the LL terms of service. This is the one thing I can remember from the noobie classes I attended. The teacher said for the most part it is a daft rule that it is ignored though.

    However, whilst Lotus has posted this at such a time to allow everyone to get all the Qs before me I still feel inclined to file ARs on her though.

  7. Marcel they're all correct, 60L coming to you.

    Only 9 left, it's French.

    I'm sure the LL Terms of Sevice said *except Nelly Swindlehurst.

  8. Hi Lotus, WavingMarcel again, thanks for the Lindens btw. Can I hazard a guess at No9?

    9. 14 July (Juillet) Bastille Day.

  9. Quatorze juillet gets you another 10 :)

  10. Yup, pasting IMs without permission, whether it's personal or group IM, is a big violation of TOS. Technically, copy/pasting text that appears in local chat is against TOS, as well, since you have to assume that what someone says in one group of people, they might not have said with other people present. So I'm kind of taking a minor chance every time I write up the typo list. It is, however, why I disclaimed with the first list that if anyone wants their typos to be excluded, I'd comply. And when I did the report on the Village Affair, I obtained consent from everyone involved before repeating their words.

    Anyway... as for your friend's comment about ruining reputations, I think he's probably more accustomed to the blogs that focus on the more back-biting aspects of SL, like fashion and cultural commentary. As far as I can tell, though, we do not have a Prokofy Neva in our midst, and none of the going blogs resembles Shopping Cart Disco. Lotus's blog has already been one of the most positive anywhere, let alone among the ones written by trivia people. I doubt that will change.

    Don't let your friend worry you, Lotus. I don't think you're anywhere near destroying reputations.
