Tuesday 11 August 2009

Back tomorrow!

Kitten Nemeth hosting at U21. The answer will be Tennessee

I don't know who anonymous is from my last lot of comments, but you're right.

I'm back hosting Lilly's tomorrow Wednesday 12th 12 noon slt. I'll be asking my 1000th question and I'm paying 1st 2nd and 3d for the whole event at 50/20/10.

And I'm going to try out my new question format. And look out for the Easter Egg.

Not only this, but the Challenge will be set at 500L with some T shirt or other.

And if Nelly Swindlehurst can be persuaded to come and ask a phobia question I'll pay 100/50/25 to the ones who get that right. So you better work on her.

And we're back 12 noon Friday for the usual event, and I'm doing Early Birds and Night Owls on Friday at 11pm.

No lindens today, you'll have to come along tomorrow for that.


  1. Anonymous knows about your secret plan for your experimental question tomorrow!

  2. Lotus, I'm gutted, but I'll miss it. Computer's going into the shop tomorrow right around noon SLT. Have a great time, welcome back, and hurrah for 1000 questions! Impressive!
