Friday 24 July 2009

Let's run that one again!

If there is a better entertainer in SL trivia I have yet to meet her. Sinnamon Sands holds court at her SinnDay event at [Monochrome]. Sinnday takes place 1pm Sundays.

After Mako's tour de force with my last set of questions, I'm going to try that again without the hard work of a new blog post.

So here's another set of questions like the last. Tell me what the letters stand for, each first correct answer is worth 10L, paid in-world. Answer in comments, and please tell me who you are. And I've made these harder, so I hope Mako and Cully don't clean up right away. They are so hard I had to write the answers down in case I forgot them myself.

Cinna combines hosting with ice cream at Double Standards!

1. 5.5 YIAR,POP

2. 23 POHC

3. 53 TLB

4. 4 WAAF

5. 10 DTSTW

6. 11 POACT

7. 11 SITCSA

8. 165 BIAR

9. 24 LITGA

10. 4 HOTA


  1. 4 weddings and a funeral

    Ok it's one at a time - I'm not well:)

  2. WTG 3 so far, told you they were harder!

  3. 5.5 yards in a rod, pole or perch,

  4. 10 one isn't right though.

  5. 11 people on a cricket team?

  6. So far i have answers to 1, 3, 4 and 10

  7. 24 letters in the greek alphabet

  8. Well done Ana so we still need 2, 5, 7 and 8.

  9. 23 paris fo human chromosones

  10. 10 days that shook the world

  11. Yes and yes Chadd, so we just need 7 and 8 now.

  12. 165 bears in a room

  13. nice try Mags :)

    I read that the 165 one can sometimes be 55

  14. I know this ain't right, even if true ...

    165 Bots is absolutely ridiculous.

    (Come to think of it, so is 55)

    Nice posers Lotus - Saturday afternoon utterly destroyed now

  15. Not quite Angelo.

    Clues coming up:

    165 is religious

    11 focus on the last 3 letters

  16. damn, coming in at the end, lol -- good job guys!

    11 states in the confederate states of america

    i dunno the 165/55 biar one though... maybe lightning will strike.

  17. WTG Mako, I knew you could do it. Just that last one, it's a Catholic thing

  18. Sinnamon Sands26 July 2009 at 04:42

    Hehe, I knew the Confederate States one (yeehaw!) but Mako beat me to it (as usual ;) ).

    And with Lotus' hints, I can get the last one:
    165 Beads In a Rosary!

    (Yay! But I only get half credit, as I never would've gotten that without Lotus' assist.)

    And thanks Lotus for the caption on the picture -- your cash payment is on its way in-world. ;)

  19. Yep WTG Sinn, 165 beads in a rosary.

    I Makoproofed better this time.

  20. Ah, nice one Sinn!! My brain came up with, then clamped onto, 165 "bones in a relic" and "buddhas in a ring" lol... neither of which were legit. Way to stump, Lotus!
