Sunday 28 June 2009


What do Hawaii, 4th July, movies, music lyrics and TV have in common? You're right, the theme of this post is themes, and all of those subjects are themes of trivia events on this week.

I was saying in my last post that, as you might expect, players seem to host in a style that reflects their preferences as players. To digress, I also think that, while you don't have to be a star trivia player to host an event well, the best hosts tend themselves to be good players, and understand the questions, and who can be flexible with unexpected answers.

I just saw Lette do this at the post-nakieness wind-down at Chaos. She asked: "A leading banana exporter, what Central American republic borders the Caribbean & the Pacific and starts with C?" and got both Colombia and Costa Rica as answers, quickly realised it was a bad question and paid both answers. We all ask bad questions sometimes, and some hosts get into all sorts of difficulties when they do.

Rach and Lotus attempt to re
ad Lette's notecard at Chaos Truth or Dare. Chaos runs 2030 SLT Saturdays.

Visibility may be restricted due to giant rezzed phallic objects.

I rather got off my subject there, didn't I? I hardly ever do themed events because I don't much like them as a player. The problem for me is that I can spend 2 hours at a themed event and not know the answer to a single question. Ask me about comic books and, well, my ignorance is profoun. Meanwhile the others are having a whale of a time getting all the questions right. Sometimes I just don't go to an event I usually enjoy because I know I'll know nothing.

And, of course, it sometimes works in my favour. If anyone is thinking of doing a Jane Austen theme please let me know well in advance so I can keep my SL diary free! But I rather think having me get half the questions won't be much fun for everyone else.

Mako and Rach at Chaos
at Double Standards, snapshot used with permission of course!

Love the T-shirt, Rach, but are you sure a defibrillator works through a T-shirt?

I've been to some seriously good themed trivia events. Lebn Bucyk runs a sweet event "Barefoot in Furu" on Sundays at 1200. The 25 questions come in five themes of five questions, and the themes are complete nonsequiturs. Barbarians, South Pacific, Biblical Names, guitars, it's wonderful. Some themes are broad enough to allow variety, and Sharony subjects like "Rocks" or "Little" are so vague that the questions can be about almost anything. I remember Lebn saying he's been criticised for being too intellectual. Lebn, here's someone who just loves your intellectuallity, even if there might not be such a word really. Your event rocks, it so does!

Lebn hosting his Barefoot event in his cool and understated way

There is another theme to this theme too. Two of the subjects in my first paragraph are definitely American, and I have juuust a slight suspicion that the movies won't be Carry On, the lyrics won't be Pet Shop Boys and the TV won't be Father Ted. That's far too good an idea for a post to waste right now, and I rather think I'll be coming back to that one another time.

Do let me know what you think, as always!


  1. I tend to agree that I'm not one for themed trivia. As I mentioned in my Bucc Bowl blog, I go to take part, and if you don't know anything about the subject, then you simply can't do that. (And I've yet to see any trivia about the Carry On Films)
    I tend to steer clear of themed trivia. I hosted on Easter Sunday, and when asked if they wanted 'general' or 'Easter' trivia, the audience shouted as one 'General'. Sometimes we can have too much of a good thing, and some hosts might do themselves a favour by NOT having themed events.

    Having said that I recently attended an event which was all about riddles. I didn't get on single question, but I certainly did have a lot of fun.

  2. Catti Vespucciano4 July 2009 at 08:32

    i like themed trivia and non themed one the same.. but if i'm clueless about it i dont show up.
    Colombia is south america actually so Costa Rica was the only possible answer there btw...but i wasnt there when it was asked lol.

    some of those trivias i havent checked so maybe i will. Like your new blog.

    .: Catti Vespucciano :.

  3. "But I rather think having me get half the questions won't be much fun for everyone else" - don't be so hard on yourself, Lotus; I've been to events where you got half the questions and I still had loads of fun. :)

    I guess with themed events I just know in advance sometimes that I won't know any of the answers, instead of having to wait for the questions to find that out. :) But, it's still fun trivia.
