Saturday 11 May 2013

Relay for Life Trivia Extravaganza 17/18 May 2013

Hi everyone, with this post I want to update everyone on next weekend's events, and to let our wonderful hosts know our arrangements. I'm using this blog as our main method of communication to hosts and guests from now on.

I'm still updating the event programme in my last post, and you'll see we have almost filled a full 24 hours of events, with one gap from 0130 SLT to 0400 after Toni finishes and before Bo starts. I was never too bothered about filling that slot, when SL is usually really quiet, but if anyone wants to step forward, please let me know and I'll gladly fit you in!

If there are any updates, I'll post them here, otherwise you'll find the individual events listed in the SL Events calendar.

I really hope hosts will find their own corner of the Seagull and rez their stuff and make it their own for the event, and it would be so good if we had a whole rainbow of different styles and approaches!

All money raised goes to Relay for Life, and please please come to events, tell your friends and publicise this event!
Toni Stradling hosting Funless Trivia at Twilight Cove, every Saturday 0030-0130 SLT

For hosts, mostly!

Thanks so much to all you wonderful hosts, literally we could not do this event without you! I sent you a notecard, and from now on this blog will be where I'll update you on the event, so do keep an eye on it. There are one or two changes from my notecard to you.

Most of you have joined the Nellotus group, and I have given everyone a Relay for Life Host tag. This should let you rez objects, change the music stream. We aren't usually bothered with griefers at The Seagull, but just in case you do have eject and ban powers. If you have any problems with any of this, please let me know, either inworld or by commenting on this blog post. Commenting on the blog is certain to reach me, and also lets others know if I have fixed a generic problem.

SL will only let me advertise five events, so I can't advertise you all, so can I please ask you to post your event in SL events. This is a change from the notecard I sent you. Your tag lets you post to the Seagull. The title of the whole event is "Relay for Life Trivia Extravaganza", and please can I ask you to use the words "Relay for Life" and "Trivia" in your event title, this way Events search will pick those keywords out.

If you can self-fund, wonderful and I will love you forever, if you can't, please let me know inworld and lindens will appear as if by magic. There is no standard prize money amount.

You are welcome to host anywhere you like on the Seagull parcel, and you can start to rez your things from now on. We should have about 400 prims available, and I'll deprim our skybox to free up extra prims. If we run out of prims there will be some returning of prims to earlier hosts, but I really would like to see the park filled with your stuff. If you want to advertise your regular event or venue, please go right ahead! It's your space for yourself!

The one thing I do ask is that people don't rez any big stuff inside the pub itself. Everywhere else is fine.

Francine is going to set up Relay for Life kiosks for donations in the park.

Danarov, Lotus Ceriano, Cara Serenity and Pipedreams Cattaneo
having no fun at Funless Trivia

I'll set the stream to my default playlist, but you can change it for your event, either to radio or to DJ yourself. You're free to set the stream to any station, and you can do this by using the radio behind the bar inside the pub. My stream is called Lotus and it's on page 5 of the menu.

Oh gosh, what have I forgotten, probably lots of things! Please use comments on this blog to ask questions, to tell me about problems, or just for general discussion, if you want to. 


  1. Having organised an event like this before can I offer some words to try to help things go smoothly :)

    All the hosts on this list are awesome and I'm sure you all know exactly what to do to keep it running smoothly - but the important thing here is to keep to time. everyone in front/ behind will be ready for their slot. If you finish too early/late it'll upset the whole schedule

    I also noticed Lotus has encouraged you to rez things. Just a suggestion (which is what we used at Triviathon) If you usually host at a different venue, then have a board rezzed which will give out a notecard with the details of that venue and events that are on, with slurl of course. This is quick and easy to rez and only takes up one prim.

    I'm sure it goes without saying but you'll all know who comes before / after you, so at some point just make sure they're there before you wind up. And the other side to that - make sure you're there before the previous event finishes.

    Lotus can't be there all the time, but I know you're all excellent hosts and a few of you helped make the triviathon such a success. I'm not stepping on Lotus' toes (she did say to make any suggestions here) I'm just passing on the - maybe obvious - voice of experience.

    If you move to another area of the park, then leave someone there for anyone who arrives midway through the event. I hope there'll be a lot of new faces so if someone's there to guide them they'll know exactly where to go.

    Minor points all - but all these little things help reduce Lotus' blood pressure lol


  2. Cully thanks, that's really helpful and you've done all this before! I knew I'd forgotten something, I meant to plead with everyone to start and finish on time!
