Sunday 24 January 2010

That blog you used to write, Lotus...

It’s been a while since I last blogged, and I’m really sorry about that everyone, I could blame all sorts of things but really it’s just been laziness.

I’ve got quite a bit of news this time, and I’ll blog some Dingbats in another post for you Dingbat addicts out there.

I want to tell you about the Lette and Lotus Culture Swap tomorrow. Lette and I have had this idea for a while, and we’ve only just got round to doing it.

We’re doing a US/UK event at New Trivia Monkeys tomorrow. The twist is that Lette is going to do the UK questions, and I’ll be doing the US ones. We have to act in role for this, so if Lette gets it wrong and sounds American players can challenge and win lindens. I’ve got to be American for the 90 minutes, and if I get it wrong, and talk about heating boilers and car bonnets, you get to win Lindens.

I was thinking it will be easier for me than Lette, because I’ve visited over there a few times and American culture is ubiquitous here, but I have learned not underestimate Lette, ever.

I have had some difficulty with question register: it’s so had to tell how difficult my questions will be for people from another culture. Americans will find “What’s the longest running radio soap in the world” almost impossible to answer, but all the Brits out there will have answered “The Archers” by now. Anyway, we shall see how we get on with this.

Do come along, we’re really looking forward to it and I think it’ll be fun. 2pm SLT Monday 25 January New Trivia Monkeys.

I wonder who can have left her box and all her stuff on my front porch?

Many of you already know that the owner of EyeQ, Jamie Parfort, is letting EyeQ go, and on a personal note I’m so sorry to see Jamie go. He has been a really generous owner and a fun person, and he has done such a lot for the SL trivia scene. I really wish him well for the future.

But SL goes on. One of the many things I’m grateful to Jamie for is bringing Nelly back into trivia hosting, and Nelly and I have agreed, whatever happens, we’re going to continue hosting together. It looks like we’ll be staying in our new slot of 8am SLT Saturdays, but our Nellotus event goes on. I’m not sure where we’ll be doing it if EyeQ goes, but do it we will!

I’ve also hosted with Karmel at the Lilly’s Friday event for 7 months, but because of RL commitments Karmel can’t host for now, so I may be looking for someone to put up with me and host at Lilly’s on Fridays.

That’s about all from me this time, I always love to hear your comments, it makes me feel so appreciated and, as Nelly will say, I’m needy like that.

By the way, Word flagged up a spellcheck for nelly without a capital N. For one glorious moment I thought Word had suggested Newfie as a replacement, but sadly it was only newly. I just thought I should share that with you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I missed your blog Lotus. I just looked by and found this new entry.

    Happy travelling :)
